Topeka to Yukton, SD
Shorter drive today. We spent the morning at Gage Park in Topeka, which was pretty and probably not quite worth going out of your way for, but we enjoyed it. The kids rode the carousel and train and hung out at the playground with a picnic lunch. Then off for the 5+ hour trek to Yukton, South Dakota, to Lewis and Clark Rec Area. Spectacular - I woke up to a view of a lake cut down into enormous sediment rock. Coffee and oatmeal, morning walk to the shell covered beach, and off for lunch into town. Yelp told us that every eatery in town was terrible, so we hit the only five star place around and had ice cream for lunch.
Dairy Dive, Yukton. Good stuff here, Yukton.
I never like when they do stuff like this.
On the way to Lewis and Clark, we passed a Benedictine Monastery and popped inside. Henry was never ever louder anywhere in his life, and the sweet nun inside wondered if we were an hour late for the Mass. We look like the type. Beautiful grounds, beautiful 1930s gothic, and lots of hushing children and one epic nosebleed, then off to Badlands. 6 hours. No big deal.
Sacred Heart Benedictine Monastery